To tell you about Happy-ology, I need to tell you about me, and my struggle to find my own personal happiness.

I have struggled with depression for many years.  As far back as I can remember, recognizing signs of it even in grades 2 and 3.  This was long before it was talked about, or understood, or accepted (and I’m so grateful the dialogue has opened in the last several years), and so I struggled in silence, thinking it was just a problem with me, for many years.

The other thing you need to know is that I’ve always wanted to be a writer.  Like, always.  But this is not a stable career option. Instead, I was encouraged towards a more predictable profession: veterinary medicine, and earned my Doctor of Veterinary Medicine in 2011.

My depression hit a peak in 2013, when I was no longer able to muster the energy to eat, dress myself, or get out of bed.  I tried the prescribed routes of treatment: medication, which made me careless to the point where I was more likely going to die by accident than anything else, and therapy, wherein I was told, because of the chronicity of my depression, I would always feel this way and needed to just accept it, which made me really wonder if the end was a better choice.

I chose to keep going, and to figure it out my way.  (Those of you who know me well, know my stubborn and independent streak runs deep.)

I was lead (and surrendered to) a deep spiritual journey.  And in the end, I recognized that I was miserable because I had a serious disconnect between what my soul wanted and was screaming at me to do, and the actions that I was taking in the real world.  By accepting the well meant career and life guidance of people around me, I was ignoring my own deep-rooted feelings and desires. I shut myself off from who I was meant to be, and instead worked to become who I thought other people wanted me to be.  And I did it because I was afraid no one would accept the authentic me.

Through a combination of tools, deep searching, and a willingness to barge forward into the deep and often painful unknown, I’m pleased to say that I am feeling more fulfilled and joyful than ever before. My life resounds with purpose, and I have the confidence to go after those big goals.

Including, but not limited to:

  • Becoming a writer! I’ve published not just my first but three novels (with plans for more), and received international awards and critical acclaim for some of my writing.
  • I also write and publish this blog, sharing my thoughts and feelings in a big way, something I always envisioned doing, but never thought I actually would.
  • I’ve used my experiences to reshape how I practice veterinary medicine, and was even invited to speak in Shanghai, China last year about some of my techniques.
  • And, maybe most importantly, engaging fully in the people around me, like my husband Avery, and our son, Miller.

Happy-ology really is about helping people by sharing my experiences, knowledge, and the lessons I learn (in hopes that maybe you won’t have to struggle through all the hard stuff quite so much as I did). And so I want to share with you now the 3 big lessons I needed to realize in myself to make the shift.

These 3 core beliefs are truly the backbone of this blog. While we might talk about a great many things, you will find every article relates back to one of these 3 main things:

  1. For everything, there is a choice, including which emotions to feel and which to let go of.
  2. Only I can be responsible for my own success. And only I define my success.
  3. My uniqueness, whether in my dreams, my thoughts, and my actions, is an important piece in the tapestry of humanity. (Or, The Puzzle Doesn’t Come with Extra Pieces)