May 27, 2020

What Do You Really, Really Want?

Friends, I’ve been asking myself this question over and over: What do I really want? It’s not as easy as we think to answer.  We could […]
May 6, 2020

Are You Sabotaging Your Own Happiness?

Want to be happier?  Stop trying. Stop focussing so much on whether you are happy or not, and just be. Organizing Our Emotions People always try […]
April 29, 2020

Having Your Cake and Eating it Too

I was always told this was a tricky thing to do: you could either look at your cake, enjoying the beauty of it and the anticipation […]
April 22, 2020

Being in Control when the World is Uncontrollable

For many of us across the globe, life has gotten very unusual. We are experiencing big, unplanned shifts in our schedule, and a lot of uncertainty. […]
April 8, 2020

Lock In your Good Habits

Habits are the secret to long term success, without long term struggle.  A habit is something you do every day (or every time in a specific […]
April 1, 2020

Will You Claim Your Puzzle Piece?

This post is all about Authenticity.  Why?  Because I believe that authenticity is the #1 most important thing we can bring to the world. You see, I've noticed a lot of people spend time trying to be like someone else, or trying to fit into a mold that they believe other people have set for them. But human survival, and our growth into the world-dominating species we are today has been dependent on opposable thumbs and one other thing: storytelling.  The ability to share information from different experiences. Here's the thing though, in order to share information from different experiences, we need to be different. So will you claim your authenticity? Will you be that puzzle piece that only you can be?
March 25, 2020

Boldly Facing Uncertainty

Many of us are struggling in the current pandemic with fear and uncertainty. Here are five strategies to help us look after our mental health, as well as our physical health, and show up as leaders during this time of crisis.
March 18, 2020

How You Show Up Matters

I have a confession to make: my favourite "writing outfit" is sweatpants, a loose T-shirt, and a baggy sweater. And I hate brushing my hair... Of course, when I'm working in a clinic, or with a client, or out and about, I do put on real clothes and make myself presentable. But as soon as I get home... yep, right back into sweatpants.  It's a dirty little secret that I thought wasn't hurting anyone. But in the last six months, the line between writing clothes and real clothes and mom clothes has blurred. Significantly. And here's what I've discovered...
March 11, 2020

The Basics: Are You Doing These 5 Easy Things to Boost Your Happiness?

So many of us go looking for complicated solutions to problems, when often a simple solution will do. These 5 easy things can help almost any problem, whether you're looking for better health, better emotional state, more energy, or to reach a big goal.  
March 4, 2020

Why I Trust My Gut More Than My Brain

Have you ever experienced that sensation where your brain is telling you one thing, but your gut just says something different.  Maybe all the logic points to one course of action, but you just have the terrible feeling where your body seizes and won't move forward.  Maybe it's in your gut or your chest or your right elbow... but somehow, some way, you just know that things aren't quite right. This is your intuition, and I believe it's smarter than your brain ever will be.
February 26, 2020

The Money Trap

Where we live, there is what they call a Boom and Bust Economy.  When the money is good, it’s GOOD.  But when the money recedes, it […]
February 19, 2020

Is Your Lifestyle Supporting Your Happiness?

Happiness is a long game.  So many of us (yes, me included) focus outward or into the future when we look for happiness.  We believe that […]
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