What We’re All About

If you read nothing else on this blog, I hope you read this.  There are three secrets you need to know:

  1. You are already everything you need to be!  I know a lot of people struggle, and I have struggled too, but the truth is that part of you already knows everything you need to know.  Just let it shine!  Embrace the Authentic You!
  2. Everyone is capable of happiness.  Right here.  Right now.  Regardless of your circumstances.  In fact, it’s a lot easier to find happiness where you are now than it is to go looking for it.  We have this bright inner core that is so joyful and loving, but often it feels like there’s a wall between our conscious mind and this inner light.
  3. We are all connected, like some giant, living and breathing organism.  When you embrace your happiness, it helps the world around you, it helps the people around you, and suddenly everything ‘flows’ easier.  Goals become easier to achieve, problems go away or are less significant and the solutions present themselves.  And the best part is, it happens for everyone you are connected to.

Our Mission

This site is dedicated to helping people up-level in their own lives.  No matter where you are starting from, there is always room to grow.

By extension, we are helping the world.  We are increasing the positive energy and making the world an easier place to live in, one where there is less focus on ‘have and have-not’ and more focus on ‘how can I help you?’

About Happy-ology

Happy-ology is run by Dr. Charlotte MacFarlane.  In my life, I have struggled to find my personal happiness.  (You can read more about my personal journey here.)

On this journey, I have been fortunate to meet a number of people.  And while I have searched far and wide to find answers for myself, I have seen that, regardless of age, gender, race, political views, religion, orientation, and any other superficially defining feature, we all have the same basic struggles: Self-love, Self-worth, and the ultimate Choice to see joy in misery.

I have been fortunate to get a place where I can be grateful for the struggles I have had in my life, grateful for all the times I was willing to talk candidly about them, and especially grateful for the people willing to share their own struggles with me.  But I see myself compelled to do more, to share more, to give more. And that is really what this site is about.

You see, many of us try to bury our struggles, instead putting on a brave and happy face.  It can be easy to feel overwhelmed, to think, ‘It’s just me.  There’s something wrong with me.’  But the truth is, struggle is part of the human condition, and we all do it.

It’s time for us to acknowledge our humanness, embrace it, and work together for a brighter future.

So, Welcome!  Please explore the Blogs for something enlightening, or take a look for Inspiration.  Everything is free to share (with credit), so please Spread the Word!  And I’d love if you engaged with us on Social Media.

Happy-ology is really about helping others.  It’s about creating a frank and supportive discussion about creating more positive energy in our lives and in the world.  Happy-ology is about love.

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