The first lesson about happiness

I have a secret: Happiness is not really about being happy all the time. I mean, the blog is called happy-ology, but it’s not about pasting a giant grin on our face every day (though that can sometimes be a side effect….)

Happiness is about contentedness.  It means feeling good about ourselves and others around us.  Feeling safe and secure, confident, loved, and that our lives on our track. It’s about living from a place of love, instead of from fear. It’s about a feeling that we are both worthy of success and enough to be successful.

Much easier said than done, some days…

Here are the five tenets that I want you to truly take to heart.

  1. You are worth it.
  2. You can.
  3. You can achieve anything you set your mind to.
  4. You are loved.
  5. You are exactly where you need to be at this place and time.

If you are open, take a minute and absorb the ways these words feel.

Do they resound, do they feel true?

A lot of us have trouble believing in at least one of these tenets. If not all five.

I know that that’s where I started my journey several years ago. I was miserable and anxious, because I felt I didn’t belong, that I wasn’t worthy, that I couldn’t do anything, and that no one would ever love me.

Sound familiar? It’s okay.

Remember our 3 principles?

  1. For everything, there is a choice, including which emotions to feel and which to let go of.
  2. Only I can be responsible for my own success. And only I define my success.
  3. My uniqueness, whether in my dreams, my thoughts, and my actions, is an important piece in the tapestry of humanity.

Here is the secret to happiness, no matter who you are or where you are starting from or what you’re trying to achieve:

YOU must make a CHOICE
to BELIEVE that you are WORTH IT,
that you CAN,
that you are LOVED,
and you are

This has NOTHING to do with ANYONE ELSE.


LIFE is a JOURNEY, and you are on the PATH.

Others can’t tell us our self worth — positive or negative. They can’t tell us we are loved. Or that we can succeed at our deepest and most outrageous goals (and they certainly can’t tell us what our goals should be, or how we define happiness and success for ourselves).

If you want more happiness in life, all you need to do is take responsibility for changing your outlook, make a choice. The words on this website are here to help you and clarify these ideas. I encourage you to read them again and again, to contemplate the messages contained within.

If you want to kickstart the journey, I have a free email course, the New Outlook Challenge. This is a 7-day sampler of easy ‘challenges’ taking just 5-20 minutes a day, that will help bring more joy and relaxation into your life.

For more in-depth and personalized help, check out AMPLE Coaching. This is one-on-one, mindset coaching like you’ve never seen! It was designed with the very best of the techniques I used and learned to accelerate my own journey to living my authentic and joyful life. It is truly the strongest thing I know to help you shift from feeling like a victim to loving yourself and the world around you.

If there is nothing else you take away today, I want you to know that you are worth it. That you can. That you can achieve anytihng you set your mind to. That you are loved. And that, no matter if you believe me or not, you are exactly where you need to be at this place and time.